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HomeNews | Current NewsMálaga Work in Progress, a MAFIZ Industry event for Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American projects, is now open

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05 December 2024
Málaga Work in Progress, a MAFIZ Industry event for Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American projects, is now open
The eighth edition will take place from the 18th to the 21st March 2025 as part of Spanish Screenings Content at the 28th Festival de Málaga

Starting today, the Festival de Málaga launches the call for entries for Málaga Work in Progress, an event that is part of its MAFIZ (Festival de Málaga Industry Zone) and is aimed at Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American projects. The aim is to seal the event's commitment to the diversity of identities and languages in the Ibero-American sphere and its audiovisual industry. 
Malaga WIP is organised by Malaga City Council and the Festival de Málaga in collaboration with the ICAA (Spanish Institute of Cinematography and Visual Arts), CAACI (Conference of Ibero-American Audiovisual and Cinematographic Authorities), IBERMEDIA and FIPCA (Ibero-American Federation of Film and Audiovisual Producers).
It will take place from the 18th to the 21st of March 2025 within the framework of the 28th Festival de Málaga. Projects can be registered online until the 15th of January via the MAFIZ website. The announcement of those selected will be made in January.
Malaga WIP is part of Spanish Screenings Content 2025, an event designed as an international promotional platform whose main objective is to promote the sales of Spanish cinema and which reaches its 19th edition in 2025 as the only official market for the sale and promotion of Spanish cinema. 
Malaga WIP, which celebrates its eighth edition in 2025, aims to boost the financing of films by presenting them to leading industry professionals; to encourage their dissemination and promotion; to support the completion of films in the post-production phase and to make their international distribution viable.
It consists of two different actions:
           1. Malaga WIP Spain: designed to promote the development of feature-length fiction and documentary films in the final cut stage, ready for the post-production process and looking to close their international distribution. Six Spanish titles will participate.
           2. Malaga WIP Iberoamerica: designed to promote the completion of feature-length fiction and documentary films in the final cut stage, ready for the post-production process and looking to close their international distribution. Six Ibero-American titles will participate.
The participating titles will be selected by a prestigious committee of experts and will be screened to professionals participating in MAFIZ and the 28th Festival de Málaga, sales agents, international distributors, festival programmers, international funds and producers.
A jury made up of six professionals from the industry will decide the winners of the Festival de Málaga award, with a prize of 5,000 euros for an Ibero-American project and 5,000 euros for a Spanish project.
In addition, the films will also be eligible for the following awards:
  • Aracne Digital Cinema: image post-production services for one of the projects from Spain valued at 20,000 euros 
  • Chemistry: Image post-production services for a film from Latin America. This award is valued at USD $15,000.
  • Cine y Tele: an advertising page in the Cine y Tele magazine for one of the Spanish projects.
  • E-28: composition and musical production of a soundtrack for a feature film. Prize valued at USD $10,000
  • a prize consisting of an advertising page in LatAm Cinema magazine for a project from Latin America.
  • Music Library: Music Library &SFX's ACORDE Music Supervision division will award a cash prize of 300 euros, as well as a flat rate for a production valued at 300 euros for a project from Latin America and the same prize for a Spanish project.
  • Río Bravo: production of a trailer, promo or teaser valued at 5,000 euros. The prize includes creativity, editing, conformation and post-production for distribution in cinemas. 
  • Sideral: 10,000 euros as a guaranteed minimum for the international distribution of the winning project.
  • Yagán Films: a sound post-production award for a Spanish project worth 13,000 euros. A sound post-production award for a project from Latin America worth 13,000 euros.
The collaborating festivals that are committed to selecting a Malaga WIP project to participate in their industry labs are:
  • ABYCINE - Albacete International Film Festival.
  • FIDBA - International Documentary Film Festival of Buenos Aires.
  • IAFFM - Ibero-American Film Festival Miami.
  • REC - Tarragona International Film Festival
  • SANFIC INDUSTRIA - Santiago International Film Festival.


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