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HomeNews | Current NewsMálaga de Festival 2025 presents a programme that discusses the past 25 years of the 21st century and thinks of Paul Auster from multiple languages

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11 February 2025
Málaga de Festival 2025 presents a programme that discusses the past 25 years of the 21st century and thinks of Paul Auster from multiple languages
MaF hosts almost 125 cultural events that will tour the city from the 20th of February to the 13th of March with the participation of more than 130 creators

The expanded programme of the Malaga Festival, Malaga de Festival (MaF), which is held prior to the 28th edition of the event, presents an ambitious programme that combines established voices with creators who are set to make their mark in their era. Edition after edition, Málaga de Festival has shown its strong interest in generating public conversation thanks to the activities that form part of its itinerary, artistic and cultural actions that arise from the collaboration between the city’s professional actors and national creators. The next edition of Málaga de Festival bases the bulk of its programme from two discursive angles: '25 del 21', an axis that allows the first quarter of the century to be analysed from different perspectives; and 'Paul Auster: el hombre de la mirada cinematográfica', an approach to the figure and work of this writer from different artistic languages.
This morning, the Albéniz Cinema was the setting for the presentation of MaF 2025 - organised by Malaga City Council and Malaga Procultura in collaboration with the “la Caixa” Foundation - with the participation of the Mayor of Malaga, Francisco de la Torre; the Councillor for Culture and Historical Heritage of the Malaga City Council, Mariana Pineda; the Director of the Malaga Festival, Juan Antonio Vigar; the territorial manager for Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla of the "la Caixa" Foundation, Juan Carlos Barroso; and the Business Area Director of CaixaBank, Luis Felipe Siles.
From the 20th of February to the 13th of March, the activities, organised by artistic categories, will take place in all the districts of Malaga to offer citizens a complete encounter with culture makes Malaga, yet again, a national reference for open nature programming. MaF 2025 kicks off at the Albéniz Cinema with the opening concert by Tulsa presenting ‘Amadora’, an album that led her to win the latest National Award for Popular Music, a work of sophisticated and scenic pop with which Miren Iza goes far beyond the strictly musical. For their part, The New Raemon and Ricardo Lezón will close this edition of the Festival in Malaga on the 13th of March at the Echegaray Theatre, with a concert in which these two long-standing musicians will present their latest studio work, ‘Nuevos bosques’, accompanied for the first time by Isabel Bono. Two exclusive concerts, tickets for which are now on sale, at a single price of 18 and 15 euros respectively, at the Teatro Cervantes box office and online through Uniticket.
MaF is expanding its range of categories with Arte Sonoro, a section in which the fusion of languages ​​is fundamental. On Friday the 21st February, the Sala Maynake will host the opening of this section with Antonio Luis Guillen and Mara B. Stones thanks to the collaboration with the Colectivo de Ediciones Fantasma. A day later, the Centre Pompidou Málaga will be the stage for Daniel Blacksmith's sound intervention on Aroa Moreno Durán's collection of poems, 'Todavía una noche', who will accompany Juan José Téllez and Benjamín Santiago Montiel together with the Municipal Music Band at the Málaga Museum. The sound action of Parks and Gardens, at the Caudal Multidisciplinary Space, Martina Casado at the Jorge Rando Museum; and Edurne Portela with José Ovejero, on the closing day at the MIMMA, are some of the protagonists of this new category that also includes a sound dialogue about Jesús Quintero and Antonio Gala, at the AC Málaga Palacio Hotel thanks to Pedro J. Plaza and Andrea Quintero’s intervention.
Thought, science and technology form the basis of the current edition's programme, as a result of this need to generate spaces that encourage dialogue and strengthen knowledge. It will begin with Joaquim Bosch, at the Ateneo de Málaga, to talk about the importance of preserving democratic values, a subject that will also be very present in the conversation between Beatriz Becerra and Sami Näir, in Espacio 42 of the Telefónica Foundation, in the Polo Digital, a space that hosts the exclusive colloquium between the philosopher Raquel Ferrández and Angel L. Fernández on 'Digital immortality'. Eduardo Ruiz, at the College of Social Graduates, and Enrique Benítez Palma, at Espacio 42, will analyse the new economic and professional orders of our time. Santiago Gerchunoff and Andrea Rizzi complete this section.
In collaboration with La Térmica, on the 26th of February and the 5th of March, respectively, Oliver Franklin-Wallis in conversation with the CEO of 21 grams, Marta González-Moro, and the Vice-Rector for Research and Scientific Outreach, Antonio José Morales Siles, will expand on all the details about the essay ‘Vertedero. La sucia realidad de lo que tiramos a dónde va y por qué importa’ (Landfill. The dirty reality of what we throw away, where it goes and why it matters), one of the books of the year at an international level, chosen by the main newspapers in the world, which has just been published in our country. The dialogues with referential European voices are completed by the digital anthropologist Roanne van Voorst, author of one of the most current disturbing works, ‘Sexo con robots y pastillas para enamorarse’ (Sex with robots and pills to fall in love), a deep and not at all complacent look into how new technologies are modifying affective-sexual bonds and their main consequences as a species.
Among the spaces that welcome dialogue, it is worth highlighting the work of the Municipal Public Libraries, fundamental venues that allow us to reach the city's neighbourhoods thanks to their special MaF programme of Encounters with Authors: María Fasce, Juan Tallón, Carmen Amoraga, Susana Fortes, Rosario Izquierdo, María Couso, Juan Manuel Gil and Máximo Huerta, who will be visiting the BPMs in Cruz de Humilladero, Churriana and Puerto de la Torre. This programme is completed with the Cinema and Books cycle, in Ciudad Jardín, and with Peneque in Campanillas and Palma-Palmilla with a visual arts action focused on primary school students.
Cycle ‘25 del 21’: what century are we talking about when we talk about the 21st century
In order to evaluate the important changes that have taken place in recent years and using the transformative power of the idea as a vehicle, Málaga de Festival incorporates three key names in thought: Juan Arnau, Ramón Andrés and Josep Maria Esquiroll, who, at the Ateneo de Málaga and the SEAP, will offer ideas that help to understand the path taken during this quarter of a century. For his part, Jesús Terrés, at the Carmen Thyssen Museum, will show how to live fearlessly, in a way more closely linked to reality and beauty.
Since its first edition, Málaga de Festival has considered it essential to incorporate feminism both structurally, the unavoidable presence of women's talent, and thematically. In this edition, Ana Requena and Violeta Serrano will address, at the SEAP, their latest works, in which they reflect on issues related to contemporary feminism. Marta Jaenes and Rosa Márquez complete these talks related to current feminist issues that are reinforced by the conversation between Montse Sánchez, Victoria Abón and Javier Ocaña on the role of adventurous women. For its part, Amnesty International Málaga, within the Human Rights Film Week, brings to the Ateneo the film 'Herederas', by Silvia Venegas, a Goya-winning short film. This block is completed by the artistic avant-garde of Alberto Conejero and Luz Arcas, based on ‘Leonora’, a work that invites us to investigate the relationship between women’s bodies and pain, an axial question in the artistic action that Ximena Carnevale will carry out based on the verses of Ana Castro at the MIMMA; while Marity Manzanera will give voice and body to the verses of Lady Distopia. At the MVA Cultural Center, Ruth Gabriel will talk about her women in film thanks to the collaboration with the Generación del 27. This block closes with the Women’s Collective of El Palo, La Generación Ganada, at the Jorge Rando Museum; and Paula Babot, at the Casa Natal, in conversation with Antonio Díaz Mola, about toxic loves.
Continuing with the most vindictive part of this programme, on Saturday the 1st of March, POOUS will take place, which, once again, will fill the San Juan de Letrán street to celebrate life and its diversity, and will do so in collaboration with Kipfer & Lover and Fundación Málaga. Pink Chadora will be the master of ceremonies for this edition. This space will also host the meeting with Fer Rivas, within a session of the LGTBiq+ Reading Club special to MaF. Pedro Ocaña and his team will carry out a performance installation, at Promálaga Casa de Socorro, in collaboration with David Burbano and Roy Laguna. For their part, Javier Giner and Alba Carballal will discuss 'Yo, Agregado', at the Carmen Thyssen Museum, thanks to the collaboration promoted with the Rafael Pérez Estrada Foundation and the Planeta Group.
If there is one thing that stands out about the expanded programme of the Malaga Festival, it is its character regarding cultural innovation. From this discursive angle, and thanks to the talent of creators such as the FAMA Collective, at the Galería Taller Gravura; the La Libre space; Cristina Soler and her Espacio de dentro; Teresa Pérez Contreras, in San Telmo; the Caudal Collective; the photographer Míchelo Toro, at Temporánea; the IES Romero Esteo alumni together with the artist María Lechuga; the artist Aura Vega, at the Faculty of Fine Arts; Omar Janaan, at La Caja Blanca; Juan Palomares together with La Casa Amarilla. All of them will reflect from the exhibition field on issues that form part of this discussion.

Paul Auster, el hombre de la mirada cinematográfica
Continuing with the category of exhibitions, the SEAP offers two major exhibitions: Edu Rosa and La Málaga Moderna reflect, from their work supports, on the figure and work of this writer who has been noted through generations. The Galería La Trenza opens its doors to the MaF with two proposals regarding Auster. The Generación del 27 will host the screening of ‘Paul Auster, what if?’ with a subsequent discussion that allows us to see the unique view of this all-round author.
This section is completed by the artists Israel Rodríguez and Jhoatahn Ortega, with their Urdimbre y Trauma, a performance that incorporates fabrics; and the artists Patricia Conor, Violeta Sarabia and Paula Novo, at the MIMMA.

MaF classics
MaF celebrates culture once again with Dani Drunkorama and his Vermut-O-Rama; Swing de Cine, at El Balneario and other spaces in the city; and Esa peli me suena, at Muelle Uno. Not only that, but there is also the Entrance Especial MaF that brings the voice of Karmento, and the Orfeón Preuniveristario and the Escolanía, all of which are activities that celebrate culture joyfully.
Complete program:


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