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04 July 2016
MOSMA (Movie Score Málaga) hosts the Jerry Goldsmith Awards ceremony

This year the BSOSpirit Association worked in collaboration with the Festival de Málaga to launch a new project - Movie Score Málaga (MOSMA) – as well as continuing its existing work with the 11th edition of the Jerry Goldsmith Awards. Presented during a ceremony at the Colección del Museo Ruso de San Petersburgo/Málaga on the evening of Friday 1st July, these awards celebrate the work of both musicians who are starting their professional career in the audiovisual sector (cinema, television, advertising and other media) and those who, in spite of their professional trajectory, have not so far received the recognition they deserve. For this 11th edition the nominations included 110 composers from three continents and more than 260 works in 12 different categories. This year’s winners are: PARALLEL UNIVERSES Manel Miralles / Hell in 16mm FREE CREATION Carla F. Benedicto / Hope SONG Giulia Penna / Perdeti Ora PROMOTIONAL WORK Iván Ruiz / Nancy, la Madre de Thomas Edison ADVERTISING Daniel Díaz / Sogama TELEVISION WORK AND WEB SERIES Jamie Christopherson / Love Finds You in Valentine DOCUMENTARY Alan Williams / Moving Art: Underwater VIDEO GAME Neal Acree / Revelation Online ANIMATED SHORT FILM Jamie Messenger / The Orchestra LIVE ACTION SHORT FILM Stuart Hancock / Killing Thyme FEATURE FILM Frank Ilfman / Abulele JERRY GOLDSMITH AWARD for Best Composer in this 11th Edition Neal Acree


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