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HomeNews | Current NewsMalaga Festival launches a call for the open programme activities of MaF 2024

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06 October 2023
Malaga Festival launches a call for the open programme activities of MaF 2024
Malaga de Festival will fill the city with culture from the 8th to the 29th of February and will make way for the 27th Festival

The 27th Malaga Festival, who will take place from the 1st to the 10th of March 2024, is preceded by a new edition of the MaF (Malaga de Festival), from the 8th to the 29th of February 2024. This is a programme that celebrates culture with film as a storyline, aiming to find new meanings and languages related to the audiovisual field, as well as reflecting about the reality through different activities. MaF is organised by the Malaga City Council and Malaga Procultura thanks to the Malaga Festival and one more year features the collaboration of ‘la Caixa’ Foundation.
The MaF 2024 programme will be made up of two areas: the open programme, which is built based on the proposals received that meet the selection criteria; the permanent programme, promoted by the organisation itself.
From the 6th to the 27th of October, the call for proposals is open that will be part of the open programme, which aims to continue encouraging the artistic fabric of Malaga city and provide visibility to unique professionals in the cultural field. Furthermore, as it has been doing since the 2021 edition, one of the pillars of this open programme is to promote collaborations with national creators in order to make their perspective known and generate bonds that transcend the city itself. You can check the conditions of the call for entries on the Malaga Festival website, in the 'Participation conditions' tab (
The projects received will be reviewed by a selection committee and, if accepted, will become part of the open programme of MaF 2024. These initiatives will benefit from the significant dissemination and promotion capacity of the Malaga Festival, as well as, in specific cases, financial, logistical, and technical support for their execution.
The proposals must offer new ways of dialogue with the cultural reality and find new meanings around the audiovisual field thanks to the partnership with the disciplines that are part of MaF 2024 (visual arts, science, film, exhibitions, thought and tech).
Proposals must also be directly related to the two discursive axes of MaF 2024:
  • Non-productive ages: the Malaga Festival wants to invite us to reflect on the space we give to children, and the elderly today, both in public and private spaces. From the design of cities to the language we use, to the essential rights that are not fulfilled.
The penalty of being a child in certain areas, its connection with the gender perspective. The loneliness that haunts the elderly, the dehumanising processes linked to the use of the screen and their individualism. The digital gap in the elderly. The right to a healthy education, mental health. Childhood nutrition, childhood obesity. The aim is to reflect on how our reality affects both sectors of the population, causing asymmetries and, above all, shaping a future in which the collective loses strength, especially in childhood and the elderly.
  • Culture as joy: This aspect is related to the joyful meaning of the practice of culture, its special connection with the celebration of life, with happiness. If we detach culture from this aspect of celebration, of ritual around which human beings meet with others, we turn culture into a space lacking in dialogue.
We also invite you to reflect on how these times are weakening the basic pillars of our democracies, especially in the symbolic field, generating disaffection and unease among citizens. In this regard, culture has been threatened by this scenario. Culture not only makes us more aware of the world we live in, but also allows us to defend values linked to the concept of the human being: thinking, talking, loving, happiness, pleasure. Solidarity.


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