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HomeNews | Current NewsExcellent reception by the international industry for Spanish audiovisual production at the second Spanish Screenings On Tour at MIA | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo

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20 October 2023
Excellent reception by the international industry for Spanish audiovisual production at the second Spanish Screenings On Tour at MIA | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo
With the slogan, ‘Spanish Audiovisua’l: Talent and Future”, more than 600 professionals from 28 countries have taken part in the eighteen activities that have been held

The second Spanish Screenings on Tour, held at MIA | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo (Rome), has ended with it being really well received by the international industry. Between the 9th and the 13th of October, more than 680 professionals from 28 countries have taken part in more than 18 activities, which has provided the more than 80 professionals in the Spanish delegation with the opportunity to expand their network of contacts and create new business opportunities, particularly in Europe.

This means that at least 1 in every 4 professionals who attended the market showed an interest in the activities proposed by Spanish Screenings On Tour and took part in them. They were mainly from Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, South Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK and Portugal.

The initiative has led to a rollout of Spanish productions with the potential for internationalisation in different stages in the sections of the market, which has been supplemented by the presence of their representatives in the different activities at the event. The selection has helped to highlight the wide variety of genres and formats, the combination of established and emerging talent, with twelve debut films, and the excellent health of the Spanish audiovisual industry. The significant presence of women should also be pointed out, with twelve films shot by female directors and eighteen produced or co-produced by women.

Altogether more than thirty Spanish productions have been presented at various stages: five projects in development (Spanish Screenings Showcase); four in postproduction (WIP); six that are finished (four Market Premieres and two Market Screenings); twelve trailers or teasers of films that will be released shortly (Next from Spain Comin’UP), and seven films with a potential for marketing remake rights (Remake Day). The presentations and screenings have attracted a considerable number of professionals, with the presence of around 300 international delegates.

Furthermore, within the framework of the Industry Talks, aspects like the boom in coproductions in Spain were explored, with the round table, “The increasing interest in co-producing with Spain”, attended by more than eighty people, or the emergence of new talent at international festivals, in which Spanish industry professionals played a prominent role. B2B meetings and networking activities that took place in the Spanish Screenings On Tour spaces at the market have complemented the activity of the Spanish delegation.

Spanish Screenings On Tour at MIA has also been the context for the recording of a new episode of ‘Spanish Screenings 360. The Podcast’, about short films in the audiovisual landscape.

About MIA | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo

MIA | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo, is a market event based in Roma (Italy) at its ninth edition in 2023 from October 9th to 13th, directed by Gaia Tridente and organised by ANICA (Italian Association of Film, Audiovisual and Digital Industries) and APA (Audiovisual Producers Association), with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA-Italian Trade Agency, with the contribution of Creative Europe-MEDIA. MIA is also supported by the Italian Ministry of Culture, the Italian Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, the Lazio Region and is held under the Patronage of Eurimages. With a focus on European and international Animation, Doc & Factual, Drama and Film scenes, MIA offers a wide range of programs, featuring Co-Production Market and Pitching Forums, Content Showcases, Works in Progress, Market Screenings, Networking Activities and an impressive line-up of Conferences, tackling the hottest topics among industry insiders. MIA has gained interest from international professionals: decision-makers, distributors, networks and platforms discuss at MIA the opportunities and challenges of audiovisual production and distribution in today's international content paradigm.

About Spanish Screenings On Tour y Spanish Screenings

Spanish Screenings on Tour is one of the four axes making up Spanish Screenings XXL alongside Spanish Screenings Content (Malaga Festival), Spanish Screenings: Financing & Tech (San Sebastian Festival) and Spanish Screenings 360, a programme of actions running throughout the year wich also includes the creation of a virtual promotion and business platform PLATFO; and the podcast 'Spanish Screenings 360. The Podcast', available on the main audio platforms, and in video subtitled in English on Youtube and Spotify.

In short, the initiative consists of the creation of an audiovisual market for Spanish-produced content that favours the exchange and creation of new projects in a context of interaction and business that contributes to strengthening the value chain of the Spanish audiovisual industry.
Spanish Screenings XXL, an international market for Spanish audiovisual productions is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), which has the goal to strengthen Spain’s role as a European Audiovisual Hub. Thus, together with the Ministry of Culture and Sport through the ICAA and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, Festival de Málaga and Festival de San Sebastián.

This programme to increase the international reach of Spanish audiovisuals recieved a new boost in 2022, with a wider diversity of contents and volume of activities for adapting to the new challenges of the audiovisual industry.


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