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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Malaga Festival announces the third edition of Hack MAFIZ, an event aimed at young Spanish and Ibero-American digital creators

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10 November 2023
The Malaga Festival announces the third edition of Hack MAFIZ, an event aimed at young Spanish and Ibero-American digital creators
The participants will face audiovisual challenges that will culminate in their participation in the 27th edition of the event

The Malaga Festival launches the third edition of Hack MAFIZ Malaga, an event in its MAFIZ Industry area aimed at new talents in the audiovisual sector. This section was born with great success in 2022 with the aim of turning the event into a meeting point between young digital content creators and distributors, brands, media, streaming services and production companies from all over the world.
From today until the 1st of December, the Malaga Festival launches, through a specific site on the MAFIZ website, the call for applications for this event, which can be applied for by sending a form with information about the applicant. The requirements are to be between 18 and 35 years old and to have the skills to form part of teams that create audiovisual content: scriptwriting, acting, storytelling, editing, sound, animation, art direction, direction, and photography.
The aim is to select from all the applications a group of young Spanish and Ibero-Americans who will go on to the next phase, the challenges (to be held from December to February).  There they will have to solve online content creation challenges. Out of these, 20 finalists will travel to the 27th Malaga Festival, from the 1st to the 10th of March 2024, within the MAFIZ Industry area, where they will have to face a new challenge to create audiovisual content about the event in the Festival Lab. Here, they will have the opportunity to speak with international co-producers and funds, media and platforms and other Ibero-American industry leaders.
With Hack MAFIZ, the Malaga Festival faces the sector's challenge of reaching new audiences, who consume audiovisual content through very diverse channels and who have a community identity that requires a much more active dialogue between creators and content producers. The event thus seeks new spaces to regenerate audiences and dialogue with them and with the creators with whom they identify. Hack MAFIZ Malaga was born with this main goal in mind: to offer the opportunity to make room for these creators, to meet them and see them in action, to make them coexist in a space of synergies with the different agents of the audiovisual industry.


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