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HomeNews | Current NewsCall for applications for Spanish Screenings Content 2024, the official market for the sale and promotion of Spanish films

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13 December 2023
Call for applications for Spanish Screenings Content 2024, the official market for the sale and promotion of Spanish films
The event will run March 4-8, 2024 in the framework of MAFIZ, the Malaga Festival Industry Area, with new sections and content

Spanish Screenings Content is part of the component 'Spain, Audiovisual Hub of Europe' of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience promoted by the Ministries of Culture and Digital Transformation

The Malaga Film Festival has announced the call for applications for the next edition of Spanish Screenings Content 2024, an event conceived as an international promotion platform, the main objective of which is to boost sales of Spanish films. Spanish Screenings, which will be holding its 18th edition, is the sole official market for the sale and promotion of Spanish film, reinforced for the third year in a row with funds from the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience promoted by the Ministries of Culture and Digital Transformation in the framework of the component 'Spain, Audiovisual Hub of Europe'. The event will take place from the 4th to the 8th of March in the framework of the 27th Malaga Film Festival, in the industry area MAFIZ (Malaga Festival Industry Zone), with new content adapted to the needs of the international market.

Spanish Screenings Content is one of the four areas of focus of Spanish Screenings XXL, together with Spanish Screenings On Tour, Spanish Screenings: Financing & Tech (at the San Sebastian Film Festival) and Spanish Screenings 360, a programme of active year-long actions, which also includes a monthly podcast available in all the platforms, and the future creation of a virtual promotion and business platform.

Spanish Screenings XXL, an international market for Spanish audiovisual production’ is a project which involves the Ministry of Culture through ICAA, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones [Spanish Trade Commission], the Malaga Film Festival and the San Sebastian Film Festival, and encompasses a large diversity of content and activities in order to adapt to the new challenges of the audiovisual industry.

This event has positioned itself as an essential date in the calendar of international markets. At its last edition, Spanish Screenings Content brought together nearly 850 persons of 64 different nationalities. In respect to content, the participants had access to 184 films, which accumulated a total of 2,000 viewings.

During the four days of the market, international buyers, sales agents, national and international distributors, executives of VOD-SVOD platforms, festival programmers, digital creation platforms and producers will have access to the most recent Spanish productions.

Moreover, Spanish Screenings will also offer its platform, the website of reference for sales agents, festival programmers, producers, international distributors, new platforms and other agents of the Spanish and international audiovisual sector.

The activities that will be carried out include the following:

• Market Screenings: screening sessions at Yelmo Vialia Malaga cinema, where international buyers and international festival programmers may view recently produced Spanish films.
Market Premieres: a space prepared for three private screenings of productions that have not been premiered at any other international market, with the participation of the films’ artistic talent.
• Neo Screenings: screenings of the most innovative and daring Spanish cinema. The latest productions and the new forms of film expression in Spain will be presented.
• Málaga Festival Films: screenings of a selection of films competing in the Official Section and ZonaZine of the Malaga Film Festival, geared at international buyers, distributors and programmers.
• Next from Spain: screening of trailers or film footage of flms in post-production that will be released in 2024-2025.
• Film Library: online platform to view Spanish films and televisions serires produced starting in 2022.
• Animation Hub: devoted to the promotion of the most noteworthy work of the animation sector. The event will include a series of events such as lectures, presentations to producers, distributors, festivals and specialised international media of productions in the post-production stage with a high international potential. It will also serve as a point of encounter for the discussion and analysis of the latest trends and the positioning of the Spanish animation sector at the global level.
• Remake Day: activities devoted to this growing sales format of the Spanish audiovisual sector, with the participation of prominent international producers.
• Hack Mafiz Málaga: an event of digital creators and platforms with new technological formats. A seedbed of talent at the disposal of the audiovisual industry.
• Málaga Short Corner: space prepared for the promotion, dissemination and distribution of the most recent relevant short films of the Spanish audiovisual industry.
• Málaga Spanish Wip: space conceived to boost completion of Spanish films in the post-production stage and stimulate their dissemination and promotion
• Regional Film Hub: platform for the promotion and dissemination of the cinema of Spain’s different autonomous communties. A space in which Spanish film institutes can screen and promote the films whose development and production they supported.
• Spain Colorful Diversity: space in which the autonomous communities can present their film locations, plans to support film shootings, fiscal advantages and incentives.
• Spain ScoreCom: with the objective of highlighting the importance of the different roles of the audiovisual industry, Spain ScoreCom is a space created to boost emerging Spanish musicial talent. Music professionals for the audiovisual industry and other figures that make this work possible will participate in programmed activities and have the opportunity of establishing synergies at networking acitivities and others offered by the market.
• Industry Club: space for meetings, intended for producers, distributors and participants in general.
In the selection of participating films, the Spanish Screenings Committee will particularly value that they have not been screened previously in Spain, that they have been granted regional or national funding, that the stories they tell have a potential for international distribution and that they are the director’s first or second film. Furthermore, in line with one of the transversal characteristics of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience funds, in the configuration of the different sections special attention will be paid to gender equality and diversity in respect to directors and producers.

Deadline for entries of short films, WIP animation projects, remakes and market premieres is January 10, 2024, Deadline for entries in all other sections is January 22, 2024 and deadline for the registration of participants and companies is February 21, 2024.

Terms and conditions, deadlines and registration in Spanish Screenings Content:

Complete information regarding Spanish Screenings XXL:


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