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HomeNews | Current NewsLa Térmica and MaF present the first concerts and debates of the cycle 'MIXTURA' for 2024

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09 January 2024
La Térmica and MaF present the first concerts and debates of the cycle 'MIXTURA' for 2024
The next meeting will take place in 'Sala 005' on Friday 19th of January, with concerts by Alicia Tamariz and Nico Roig

La Térmica, heart of contemporary culture of the Diputación de Málaga, along with Málaga de Festival (MaF), present the next activities of the cycle 'MIXTURA'. They will take place on the 19th of January, the 9th of February and the 22nd of March in 'Sala 005', mixing a great variety of musical styles and colloquiums.
MIXTURA', curated by the record label from Malaga, Dispar, will be a recurring event throughout 2024, offering a mix of resident and guest talent, exploring different musical genres and promoting a space for diversity and innovation.
Maintaining one of the characteristics of 'Sala 005', the ticket sales system will be by donation, this time at a price of €5 for each of the events. All proceeds collected during the first quarter of the year will go to Cudeca. Cudeca is a non-profit foundation that offers specialised care to people that suffer from cancer and other advanced diseases, as well as support to their families, completely free of charge.
All meetings will start at 8 p.m., with doors opening at 7:30 p.m. and finishing at 9.30 p.m.
Upcoming appointments
MIXTURA Alicia Tamariz and Nico Roig (with Lucia Fumero)
19th of January
The first event of 2024 will host the projects of Alicia Tamariz, musical artist, and Nico Roig, singer-songwriter, on the 19th of January in 'Sala 005'.
Both performers, accompanied by artist Lucia Fumero, will offer a unique combination of contemporary song, jazz, and folklore with Mediterranean essence and Latin American
bonds. The show will include visuals by the Malaga community, Liquid Sky, and a talk with Alejandro Lévar, founder of the DISPAR label.
Alicia Tamariz: Jazz sextet, 'Aletheia' (2021), poetic and healing exploration. A piano and guitar lover, her music is a mixture of transformation and truth.
Nico Roig: Defined as a 'singer-songwriter of psychological protest', his album 'Esto frío no vale nada' (Foehn Records, 2023) merges traditional music with outstanding collaborations such as Sílvia Pérez Cruz, Rita Payés, Lucia Fumero, and Juan Rodríguez Berbín.
Liquid Sky Analogic: a collective of visual artists from Malaga (Jorge Luque, Javier López and Nuria Luque). For more than a decade, they have been redefining 'liquid light shows' by adapting them to the modern era. Their use of analogue formats leads to hypnotic visual states, combining real-time screenings and optical-light experimentation.
MIXTURA Plantae + El Extintor (David Soler & Marcel Bagés)
9th of February
At the February meeting, 'MIXTURA' will present two innovative projects: 'Rave Side of the Moon' by producers David Soler and Marcel Bagés, a unique tribute to Pink Floyd's iconic album; and 'PLANTAE', an audiovisual project exploring the plants electric pulse by Emilio Mula, Andrés Garachana and Ignacio Béjar. The event will end with a debate with DISPAR founder Alejandro Lévar.
PLANTAE: Audiovisual exploration based on the plants electric pulse, developed by Emilio Mula (Children of Compost), Andrés Garachana (Tesla Radio), and Ignacio Béjar. Recording electrical signals from nature, their project combines improvised sounds with these transformed signals.

EL EXTINTOR (David Soler & Marcel Bagés): 'Rave Side of the Moon', a contemporary reinterpretation of Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon'. Exploring new expressive forms, they appropriate the sound material for an avant-garde interpretation.
MIXTURE Cristina Mateo + Le Parody & Luz Arcas
22nd of March
The last meeting of this quarter will be on Friday the 22nd of March. It will present an unprecedented fusion between the singer-songwriter Cristina Mateo, resident in Malaga, and the stage-musical duo formed by the producer Le Parody and the choreographer Luz Arcas of the renowned dance company La Pharmaco. Once again, this event will culminate with a discussion between the two groups together with the producer and head of DISPAR, Alejandro Lévar.
Cristina Mateo: Singer-songwriter who weaves life into emotive songs, exploring the languages of art from the everyday and the intimate.
Le Parody & Luz Arcas (La Pharmaco): TRILLA, their joint project, merges folk and electronic music, questioning traditional structures and celebrating the contemporary body as a symbol of success.
On the 15th of December 2023, the season opened with sold out, with the musical projects of Villalobos (Coín) and Menhir (Cuenca). In this case, the proceeds from the tickets were donated to the Red Cross.
The 'MIXTURA' cycle not only expands the artistic offer in La Térmica's 'Sala 005', but also represents a bridge between different cultural manifestations, merging the vision and scope of the different participating artists to create unique and enriching experiences for the public and will continue throughout the year 2024.


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