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HomeNews | Current NewsEspacio Solidario brings together almost 40 social groups at the 27th Malaga Festival

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21 February 2024
Espacio Solidario brings together almost 40 social groups at the 27th Malaga Festival
From the 2nd to the 9th of March, the Plaza de la Merced will host free access activities to promote integration and inclusion

The Malaga Festival along with the Malaga City Council, through the Department of Social Rights, Diversity, Equality, and Accessibility, are organising yet another year, in collaboration with the ‘la Caixa’ Foundation, the Espacio Solidario (Solidarity Space). This event will be held from the 2nd to the 9th of March in the Plaza de la Merced as part of the 27th Malaga Festival.
Espacio Solidario aims to open up the Festival to different social groups and promote their inclusion. To this end, almost 40 of the city's associations and social entities will take part (twice as many as last year) to encourage and promote the visibility of these citizen groups. In this sixth edition, it will once again have a model based on informative activities (free and open access) of the different associations that participate and whose subject are very varied. It is therefore a transversal initiative, with activities of all kinds (screenings, round tables, workshops…) with inclusive and social themes.
The Mayor of Malaga, Francisco de la Torre; the Councillor for Culture and Historical Heritage, Mariana Pineda; the Councillor for Social Rights, Diversity, Equality and Accessibility, Francisco Cantos; the regional head of ‘la Caixa’ Foundation in Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla, Juan Carlos Barroso; the Commercial Director of Caixabank in Malaga, Cordoba and Almeria, Gerardo Cuartero; and the Director of the Malaga Festival, Juan Antonio Vigar, presented the programme of Espacio Solidario today at the Teatro Cervantes.
The programme of this space will deal with very different themes throughout the eight days of activity, with topics such as loneliness, violence, suicide, the environment, childhood, and the elderly.
Programme of activities
Saturday the 2nd of March
10 am: UMAREFUGIA, Los que no sienten (screening and discussion).
11:30 am: APAM, Prevention campaign (screening and discussion).
1 pm: AUTISMO MÁLAGA, Get to know autism (screening and round table).
4 pm: ALHELÍ ASSOCIATION, Campaign to raise awareness of suicidal behaviour (screening and discussion).
5:30 pm: APA, Mito y realidad de la diversidad (presentation, screening and musical performance).
7 pm: ASOCIACION DE VOLUNTARIOS CAIXABANK, Life is a challenge (screening and round table).
Sunday the 3rd of March
12 pm: Official opening
17:00: OXFAM INTERCOM, El fin de la eterna primavera + Cendres (screening and round table).
Monday the 4th of March 
10 am: PROGRAMA INCORPORA - FUNDACIÓN LA CAIXA, Dramatisation of artistic jobs' workshop.
1 pm: ASOCIACIÓN NENA PAINE, Making ourselves visible in a profession where we are invisible (screening and discussion).
7 pm: UNHCR, Líbano: retrato del empoderamiento (screening and discussion).
4th day
Tuesday the 5th of March
10 am: ASOCIACIÓN ARRABAL - AID, 1st Microdocumentary Festival’s Impact (screening and round table).
12 pm: AFESOL, Mental health in Spanish film (screening and discussion).
1:30 pm: ASOCIACIÓN DE VECINOS MANGAS VERDES, Recycling’s games (screening and workshops).
4:30 pm: ACCEM, La brecha de los sueños (screening and round table).
6:30 pm: AECC Malaga against cancer, podcasts live recording with artists.
5th day
Wednesday the 6th of March
10 am: RED CROSS, La encrucijada del voluntariado + La soledad no se ve, se siente (screening and discussion).
11:30 am: CODENAF, Bridging realities closer through the SDGs (screening and round table).
1 pm: ASOCIACIÓN MARROQUÍ, De camino a la vida (screening and discussion).
4 pm: ASOCIACIÓN TRANS, Dance with me (dance show).
5:30 pm: ALTAMAR, Improvised Cinema: estrellas emergentes de altamar (screening and discussion).
7 pm: FEDERACIÓN SALUD MENTAL ANDALUCÍA, Cine Forum - Documentary La palabra maldita (screening and discussion).
Thursday the 7th of March
10 am: FUNDACIÓN HARENA, Soledad 0 - Vida 10 (screening, experience, and round table).
11:30 am: HERMANAS HOSPITALARIAS, presentation of the short film La Sole (screening and discussion).
1 pm: ALCER, Vida x Vida (screening and round table).
4 pm: DYAR, Breaking the digital gap in the elderly (screening and discussion).
5:30 pm: TELÉFONO DE LA ESPERANZA, La soledad no deseada (screening and discussion).
6:30 pm: FUNDACIÓN CUDECA, Fashion and music in film (fashion show and screening).
Friday the 8th of March
10 am: FUNDACIÓN TIERRA DE HOMBRES, The socio-professional integration of child victims of violence… (screening and round table).
11:30 am: MUJERES EN ZONA DE CONFLICTO, Cerca de aquí nosotras Las invisibles de los asentamientos chabolistas. (screening and discussion).
1 pm: PAZ Y DESARROLLO, Mujer y mundo (screening, round table and exhibition).
4 pm: ASOCIACIÓN NAIM, Violence awareness and prevention  (screening, discussion, and workshop).
5 pm: FUNDACIÓN HÉROES, Alicia en la Malagueta (presentation, screening and theatrical performance).
7 pm: INCIDE, Filmmaking with art (workshop and screening).
Saturday the 9th of March
10 am: COPAO, The power of short films in suicide prevention (screening and discussion).
11:30 am: DISMALAGA, Dyslexia, film and much more (screening and discussion).
1 pm: AMFAEM, Living with multiple sclerosis (screening and discussion).
5 pm: INPAVI, Valor-Arte (workshop and round table).
7 pm: SAVE DE CHILDREN, Tan cerca y tan lejos (screening and discussion).


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