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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Malaga Festival (Spain) joins the FIAPF Accreditation Program for International Film Festivals

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26 February 2024
The Malaga Festival (Spain) joins the FIAPF Accreditation Program for International Film Festivals
The producers’ community gathered in FIAPF - the International Federation of Film Producers’ Associations - unanimously approved the Malaga Festival to get the FIAPF accreditation as a Competitive Fil

The Malaga Festival was founded in 1998, and has grown into a major player for the dissemination and promotion of Spanish cinema from Spain and Latin America, becoming a national and international reference in the field of cinema, and contributing to the development of Malaga as an open and cultural city.

Each year the festival attracts an audience of 80.000+ and operates a highly respected market (MAFIZ) welcoming more than 2.000 Spanish and international industry practitioners.

With the accreditation of the Malaga Festival, FIAPF reinforces the variety of international film festivals receiving its quality label, including among those specialized film festivals committed to circulating works from targeted regions, and contributing to a vibrant production landscape.

We are delighted to welcome the Malaga Festival to the list of FIAPF accredited film festivals, hereby reaffirming the key role of the festival in the promotion of Spanish-speaking works. The FIAPF accreditation comes as an industry recognition of the festival’s continues efforts and successes over the years to provide a platform and industry opportunities for Spanish and Latin American productions.says Luis A. Scalella, President of FIAPF.

It is an absolute honor for us to receive the FIAPF accreditation as an international festival. It represents recognition of hard and continuous work over many years aimed at the promotion of Spanish and Latin American cinema. It is also an important boost to continue working on the improvement and development on both audiovisual contents and industry.“, expressed Juan Antonio Vigar, the Malaga Festival Director.

The 27th edition of the Malaga Film Festival kicks off on March 1st and will run until March 10th, 2024. A selection of 246 audiovisual productions from 67 countries will be shown across all its sections.



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