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HomeNews | Current NewsPau Durà returns to the Malaga Festival to present Pájaros, a road film through Europe starring Javier Gutiérrez and Luis Zahera

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02 March 2024
Pau Durà returns to the Malaga Festival to present Pájaros, a road film through Europe starring Javier Gutiérrez and Luis Zahera
The film is to be released in cinemas on the 5th of April.

Pau Durà has presented his third feature film Pájaros, a road film competing in the Official Section, created as an introspective journey in which the main characters, played by Javier Gutiérrez and Luis Zahera, run away to find themselves.

At the press conference, Durà expressed his excitement at returning to the Malaga Festival, where he also presented his debut feature Formentera Lady in 2018 and Toscana in 2022, his second film. It is a work that 'has remained faithful to the original idea and where there is nothing artificial'. It is a journey through Europe in which up to eight languages are spoken and which involves a parallelism between an external and an internal journey of the characters, switching between drama and comedy.

The concept of Pájaros has meant for Durà a poetic game between the characters and the journey, of 'two anti-heroes, losers, fragile, mischievous and very human'. Javier Gutiérrez plays Colombo, who works in a 24-hour garage and completes his precarious salary by dealing weed.

Luis Zahera plays Mario, a bird lover who unexpectedly turns up at the garage and hires him as a driver to go to the Costa Brava to see cranes. When he arrives, he tells him that the birds have changed their migratory route to Romania. Mario needs to get there and Colombo needs the money. Hiding their true reasons, they go on a journey that will lead them to get to know each other better and to confront themselves.

Luis Zahera has described his character as a coward, who finds himself trying to rewind his life. 'It's the first time I've been given the opportunity not to murder anyone or sell cocaine, which is what I usually do in my roles', he joked. Regarding the acting, the director pointed out that it was a real gift because he considers that they are two actors of the highest level, and they barely needed to be directed. He has assured that they were the ones who built the characters to make them their own. Zahera and Gutiérrez are joined by the Italian actress Teresa Saponangelo, a character who also takes her own journey within the journey of the main characters.

Finally, Gutiérrez highlighted that what he likes most about the film is its cheerful tone. Both he and Zahera are convinced that the film will capture the audience due to its endearing nature and the diversity of subjects it deals with. From love, heartbreak, the passing of time and guilt to current international issues such as the war in Ukraine.
The film will be released in cinemas on the 5th of April.


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