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HomeNews | Current NewsImportant names in film and photography expose their fears in the film 'Nana', the new documentary by filmmaker Castro Lorenzo

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02 March 2024
Important names in film and photography expose their fears in the film 'Nana', the new documentary by filmmaker Castro Lorenzo
The film is presented in the Official Documentary Section Out of Competition of the 27th Festival de Málaga

The Official Documentary Section Out of Competition of the 27th Malaga Festival began on Saturday the 2nd of March with 'Nana', the first feature film by Chipiona filmmaker Castro Lorenzo. Screened at the Festival 's new venue, the Sala de Turismo y Deporte de Andalucía, the film is the result of a series of interviews that Castro Lorenzo conducted with filmmakers and photographers he considers to be mentors. Thanks to this creative process, the festival audience was able to approach the fears and difficulties of different photographers and filmmakers such as Isaki Lacuesta, Alauda Ruiz de Azúa, Gonzalo García Pelayo, Alba Sotorra, Isabel Muñoz, Castro Prieto, Díaz Burgos and Ana Palacios.

Filmed in different parts of Spain, including Chipiona, 'Nana' took three years to make. ‘I made the film based on my own insecurities in audiovisual narration', Castro explained to the audience before the screening. After that, the film began with the voice of the cantaor José de los Camarones.

In just over an hour, Castro Lorenzo's documentary puts those who are normally behind the camera in front of it. This is the case of Isaki Lacuesta, one of the most awarded directors in Spanish film. When asked about his fears, Lacuesta revealed: 'My greatest fear is self-demand, wanting to control everything perfectly’. ‘I'm afraid of not being able to express my feelings', confessed the renowned photographer Isabel Muñoz. By interspersing these very intimate testimonies, Castro Lorenzo manages to make his own fears visible, in a way inviting each spectator to reflect on his or her own.


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