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HomeNews | Current NewsThe passionate melodrama 'Barrios bajos' closes the cycle of La Cápsula del Tiempo

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03 March 2024
The passionate melodrama 'Barrios bajos' closes the cycle of La Cápsula del Tiempo
The feature film, which was released in the middle of the Spanish Civil War, was preceded by a musical performance starring José Carra at the piano, accompanied by guitar and bandoneon

La cápsula del tiempo presented this Sunday, the 3rd of March, its last session at the 27th Festival de Málaga. The section, which has been premiered in this edition of the event, has been created to rescue classics of Spanish cinema and accompany them with artistic performances in situ after the screenings. This new section has been developed during these three days in the Teatro Echegaray, with a great reception by the public.

In this session that closed the cycle, was projected 'Barrios bajos', directed by the renowned director, screenwriter and lyricist from Murcia, Pedro Puche, who presented this musical film in the middle of the Spanish Civil War in 1937. A representation of neorealist cinema whose plot revolves around a love triangle formed by the characters Ricardo, Rosa and El Valencia.

The protagonists, played by actors Rafael Navarro, Rosita de Cabo and José Telmo, develop a story that takes place in the hostile environment of the slums of 1930s Barcelona, in which love is shared among the characters. A film that became one of the greatest successes of anarchist cinema during the war period.

As in every session of La cápsula del tiempo, the screening was accompanied by a musical performance starring José Carra on piano, accompanied by Victoria Ruiz de la Rubia on the guitar, and Mariano González, with the bandoneon. A concert in which expressionism, tango and French neo-realism have merged as a musical impression and reflection of the film.



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