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HomeNews | Current NewsClara Bilbao presents her debut film ‘Tratamos demasiado bien a las mujeres’ a 'complex and risky' black comedy that approaches drama from a humorous perspective

Current News

03 March 2024
Clara Bilbao presents her debut film ‘Tratamos demasiado bien a las mujeres’ a 'complex and risky' black comedy that approaches drama from a humorous perspective
Clara Bilbao presented this Sunday her debut film ‘Tratamos demasiado bien a las mujeres’, a feature film starring Carmen Machi and Antonio de la Torre. It competes in the Official Section as a 'compl

This is what Bilbao said at a press conference, for whom 'it has been an incredible adventure to debut with this film after working for 30 years as a costume designer'. She stated it was for her 'a risky project, very complex and different'.

‘Costume designers have a significant narrative roll because we know how to tell stories with other tools, such as costumes. This is why we work closely with the actors'. In fact, she stressed that the actors go to costume fitting before working with the director. ‘We have a clear vision of all the films, and we have a lot to contribute,' she continued.
'I will repeat as director if I find another great story that moves me, that captivates me and that excites me.' This was exactly what she experienced when this script by Miguel Barros fell into her hands, with which she shared so many affinities that she threw herself into it.

Likewise, she added that it seemed risky and brave to tackle the issue of the two Spains, 'of the ideals that separate us and weigh us down and that rarely unite us'. She did not want to dogmatize, but rather convey a story from her vision. She was also interested in approaching the topic of feminism from a different point of view than the one she is usually used to seeing in the film, just as she has approached paternalism and condescension as a type of hidden sexism. To achieve this, she relies on humour as an exit for drama. 'Black humour in this case is a way of transmitting deep dramas and very complex themes,' she explained.

On the other hand, Carmen Machi, who plays the main character, Remedios Buendía, revealed she prepared for the character as she does with all the characters, without preparing them. She was fascinated by the script, she liked its style and poetics. 'This is a character that you don't know how they are going to direct until you start the first day on set’. After going through costume design, hair and makeup is when the character begins to emerge. In her case, she added that the wedding dress sets the tone of the film. For her, it is crucial to work on the character from the outside in, until she internalizes her and starts to speak. From there, she strives to live up to what the director expects. She trusts her intuition and her technical abilities.

Regarding the character played by Carmen Machi, the director described her as a bad villain who is progressing. She is like a shark who is clear about her goal and does not stop until she achieves it.

For Antonio de la Torre, one of the positive aspects of the feature film is that it was shot as if it was a play, both on stage and in all phases of the interpretive work. From the first moment, he conceived it as a very risky film that had to be made, experienced and launched moment by moment, without prior preparation. It has been a very different challenge for him than the rest of his previous works.

De la Torre was very excited to present this film at the Malaga Festival. Not only because it is his home, but because the event has marked his career and has been key in the development of his career as an actor. He has pointed out that he did his first red carpet here, even when he was still playing secondary roles.

Machi and De la Torre are joined in the cast by Julián Villagrán, Isak Férriz, Diego Anido, Óscar Ladoire, Ayax Pedrosa, Oleg Kricunova, Felipe Pirazán, Nicolás Grandhomme, Cris Iglesias, Iván Marcos, Camilo Rodríguez, Luis Tosar, Gonzalo de Castro , Juan Luis Pérez, Sergio Alfonso, Juan Luis Cano and Josele Santiago.
The plot tells Remedios Buendía’s story, who defends her homeland and will fight for it above everyone else. One fateful day in the autumn of 1945, a group of maquis on the run had the bad idea of ​​taking over the post office, where Remedios excitedly tries on his wedding dress. However, Remedios will show how far she can go defending her values. And no one can stop her.


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