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HomeNews | Current NewsTeatro Echegaray celebrates to the cry of 'Long live Pepa Flores! ‘Long live Marisol!’ at the world premiere of the documentary about the artist

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03 March 2024
Teatro Echegaray celebrates to the cry of 'Long live Pepa Flores! ‘Long live Marisol!’ at the world premiere of the documentary about the artist
Blanca Torres, director of 'Marisol, llámame Pepa': 'Marisol is a shared icon. Everyone sees their own version of the trip, but if you see the trip as a whole, it is a reflection of the transition of

On Sunday, the 3rd of March, 'Marisol, llámame Pepa', a tribute to the child prodigy who captivated Spain in the sixties, was presented in the Official Out of Competition Documentary Section of the 27th Festival de Málaga. The filmmaker Blanca Torres presented the film to the audience at the Teatro Echegaray: 'I am very happy that the world premiere is in Malaga, the city that Pepa chose as a refuge and the city that respected and loved her the most. It is only right to be where there is an audience that knows her and loves her.'

This is a feeling shared by the producer Chema de la Peña, who began the screening by assuring that this work has been a dream: 'For me, it is a dream to be here. It all started with two calls, one to Vicky Flores, sister of Pepa Flores, and another to her eldest daughter, María Esteve. It was always clear to us that we were not going to start without the Flores family knowing about the project’.
This declaration of intent was brought up again during the discussion after the screening. 'We cannot forget that Pepa Flores is a person who is alive and who has chosen to disappear. We wanted to tell her story with respect and adoration,' said Torres. Given the concern of a public who is very dedicated to this icon of the history of Spain, they have recalled once again that they first contacted the artist's close circle and that the collaboration of Vicky Flores, her sister, has been decisive. 'Vicky, her sister and her best friend, knows her better than anyone and we must thank her for giving us the most realistic image of her, we have been able to see her through her eyes,' said de la Peña.

'Marisol, llámame Pepa' is the result of two years of documentation and contains archival images, which according to the producer, not even the Flores family had seen, and which were found from archives all over the world, including Japan, Italy or the United States, which for the producer is what makes the documentary of great value. One of the surprises of the afternoon was the presence of Malaga photographer Eugenio Griñán, who, from the audience, was able to see many of his photographs of Pepa among those that appeared in the film.
Amid applause, it became clear that Marisol's phenomenon has left a mark on the history of Spain and that it remains alive in people’s hearts. A phenomenon that, in the words of Blanca Torres, is a reflection of the transition of women in Spain: 'Pepa Flores has always been and is a woman ahead of her time and now is when we understand her as a society. Now is the time to tell her story.


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