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HomeNews | Current NewsThe drama about the migration crisis in Latin America stars in the third day of the Official Documentary Section

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04 March 2024
The drama about the migration crisis in Latin America stars in the third day of the Official Documentary Section
The shorts 'Those Next to Us' and 'La dios quebrada' and the long films 'La caravana' and 'Las ventanas', presented this Sunday, address issues such as migration, social division and parenthood from d

This Sunday, the Tourism and Sports Hall hosted the third day of screenings of competition documentaries. The first session began with the screening of the short film 'Those Next to Us' and the feature film 'La caravana', and later, the second screening continued with 'La diosa quebrada' and 'Las ventana', four works with an important social background.
The fight for a prosperous future is the leitmotiv of the short documentary 'Those Next to Us', by Bernhard Hetzenauer, an Austrian director based in Mexico, who has brought the moving story of Germán López Rosales to Malaga, survivor of the drama of immigration between Mexico and USA. With the voice-over of Germán López, the documentary offers this story told in first person about the difficult and arduous journey towards a promising future. For thirty minutes, viewers of the documentary manage to embark on a journey with Germán who shares his anguish about death, a very present thought throughout his odyssey to the United States. Aboard a truck with many other immigrants, Germán manages to survive after almost losing his life due to heat and malnutrition.

The Official Documentary Section continued to delve deeper into the drama of immigration with the screening of 'La Caravana', the debut feature by Spanish co-directors and producers Núria Clavero and Aitor Palacios. After premiering their feature film at the Shanghai International Film Festival, the filmmakers shared with the Malaga public the odyssey of Yuri, an eight-month pregnant Honduran who, accompanied by her partner and her other son, embarks on an adventure to have their baby born in the United States. Along with 7,000 other people, Yuri seeks to escape the violence and poverty that prevails in Central America. Full of hope, they must face a dangerous 5,000 kilometer journey to reach one of the most guarded borders in the world.
'Five years ago, Nuria and I were studying together at university in Mexico and we approached the border to film. At that time there was a lot of talk about the migrant caravan that came from Honduras... Trump was building his wall... Upon arriving at the caravan, there was a lot of mistrust, but when they saw that we were not newscasters, but rather that we slept with them, we were part of the caravan, everything changed. Our camera was just another migrant,' explained Aitor Palacios in the discussion after the screening.
Latin documentaries

In the second session this Sunday, spectators were able to embark on another journey. From Ximena Pereira, a Venezuelan migrant filmmaker living in Chile, the short film 'La dios quebrada' is the result of two decades of filming. 'I was interested in the process of politicisation of Venezuela in the past twenty years and one day the image of the goddess María Lionza appeared broken. I understood that I could find answers there,' her director explained to the audience she was attending the screening. The film reveals the different faces of the fracture of the iconic statue of the Goddess in the middle of a Caracas marked by a sharp political and social division.

Concluding the day in the Official Competition Section, the screening of 'Las ventanas', by the Argentine director Eduardo de la Serna, took place. Representing him, the production assistant, Alejandra López, shared with the attendees some details about a documentary that 'allows us to look not only outside but also inside ourselves.'
After having travelled to Mexico to study the literacy processes received by the indigenous peoples of Latin America, the Argentine documentary filmmaker ended up making an intimate work about the nuances of fatherhood. Full of irony and sarcasm, Eduardo de la Serna observes the world around him and also within himself: his relationship with his daughter in times of patriarchal decline.


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