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HomeNews | Current NewsCelia Rico presents ‘Los pequeños amores’, an intimate portrait that breaks down stereotypes about loneliness and relationships between mother and daughter

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04 March 2024
Celia Rico presents ‘Los pequeños amores’, an intimate portrait that breaks down stereotypes about loneliness and relationships between mother and daughter

The director Celia Rico presented her second feature film, 'Los pequeños amores', an intimate portrait that breaks stereotypes about loneliness and relationships between mother and daughter in middle age, which competes in the Official Competition Section. At the press conference, Rico explained that after her first feature film ‘Viaje al cuarto de una madre', she had many unanswered questions about how we bond, about what unconditional love between a mother and a daughter means and how big it is. For this reason, she chose the same theme of the previous film, but from a different perspective. She wants the viewer to connect this story with her own life experience. To write the script, the director explained that she likes to soak up everything her friends with children tell her and their perceptions about the mother figure. This is how she built her characters. She was also concerned about approaching 40, the age at which you assume that you may never be a mother and that you will remain in the role of daughter forever.
Throughout the film Rico revealed that she has included details in tribute to his mother, such as the influence of music, the taste for cinema, literature and culture because 'sometimes films are full of desires that I want to film', she confessed.

For actress María Vázquez, who plays the daughter, Rico's direction was crucial in creating the atmosphere necessary for the crew to feel comfortable. She has expressed her gratitude to the director for the confidence in her interpretative work, which helped her to adapt the tone of a character very different from the one she worked with in ‘Matria'. 'We are breaking stereotypes because people talk about loneliness as something hard, but in fact there is absolutely nothing wrong with being alone being a woman, just as you can choose not to have a partner or children in this middle age. It may seem like something very obvious, but it's a topic that is rarely talked about,' the actress reflected.

Finally, actress Adriana Ozores, who plays the mother in the feature film, considers that there is still a taboo about what loneliness and motherhood mean after a certain age, which is why she believes that this film can connect with everyone. The story revolves around Teresa, a woman who is forced to spend the summer taking care of her mother, who has had a small accident. Living together will be full of small fights, but it will also mean important discoveries for both of them.
It will be released on the 8th of March in cinemas nationwide.



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