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HomeNews | Current NewsÁlex Montoya portrays family relationships and mourning the death of a father in his new film 'La casa', the adaptation of the Eisner Award-winning comic book of the same name

Current News

05 March 2024
Álex Montoya portrays family relationships and mourning the death of a father in his new film 'La casa', the adaptation of the Eisner Award-winning comic book of the same name

The director Álex Montoya has presented 'La casa', an adaptation for the big screen of the comic of the same name by Paco Roca, winner of an Eisner Award in 2020, which is competing in the Official Competition Section. It is an intimate portrait of family relationships and mourning the death of a father.

Montoya has credited Roca for his comic, explaining that he has simply transferred the emotions expressed by the author through the characters. Regarding the adaptation process, he pointed out that both the work and the feature film contain differences that complement each other in a balanced way.

The director has cast actors David Verdaguer, Óscar de la Fuente, Lorena López, Olivia Molina and Luis Callejo to tell the story of three siblings who reunite after the death of their father in the house of their childhood summers. From here on, they have to decide what to do with the house, a task that becomes complex.

The author of the comic, Paco Roca, has said that the film is very faithful to the comic and has recognised that this adaptation is very special for him, as, unlike others, Montoya's film has something very personal and intimate. 'I wanted to tell the story of a very important moment for me, such as the death of my father, which took place just when I had just become a father', said Roca.

'With the death of my father, I went back to the house again to get it ready for sale', he continued. This moment was a reunion with his roots and a moment in which he began to be aware of the meaning that the house had for him. In this respect, he has confessed that it has been very healing for him to rediscover those feelings through the stories and that he has even been brought to tears watching it.

On the other hand, Luis Callejo, revealed that he has faced the shooting as a very difficult journey because it has caused him to experience parallels with his own father. 'There is nothing more important than to move people, and it seems that we have achieved that', he said.

Similarly, actress Olivia Molina stressed that it was especially touching to have been able to film in Paco Roca's family home, where the real story took place. To really be within those walls with those objects that were like a kind of extension of his family has contributed to us being witnesses to something very intimate and personal'. In the same way, he considers that the intimate always becomes a universal message because 'we all go through mourning, we suffer losses, we drag memories of who we were and how we renounce people, stories or places'.


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