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HomeNews | Current NewsOrlando Culzat presents 'Golan', his debut film in which he reflects on the journey from teenage years to adulthood during the decadence of a family

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05 March 2024
Orlando Culzat presents 'Golan', his debut film in which he reflects on the journey from teenage years to adulthood during the decadence of a family

Colombian director Orlando Culzat has presented Golán, which competes in the Official Section, a reflection on the journey from teenage years to adulthood during the decadence of a family, portraying patriarchal structures and the world of youth. It is a Colombian production in which the director has confessed that he clearly wanted to look inwards to write his first film.

This is how he composed this intimate portrait of the decline of a family that focuses on teenagers and the patriarchal structures that are very subtly established in the intimacy of homes. Although he has acknowledged that the film contains autobiographical touches, he has also explained that once he expressed his personal memories in the script, these were linked to other stories that he ended up fictionalising.

He wanted the story to build gradually, trying to capture these intimate memories to organically trigger a situation of violence. He has focused on conveying that 'in the patriarchy, anyone who is different can be abused or eliminated', he said.

Jacobo Vera makes his debut as an actor to play Pedro, a 15-year-old boy, who is immersed in an introspective journey of family mourning. Immersed in rituals of noxious masculinity and a murky environment, he bonds with Margarita, an employee of the farm. She opens his eyes to the decline of his family, confronting him with the dilemma of rebelling against his values or sticking to them. Marcela Agudelo and José Leonardo Contreras make up the cast.

Culzat confessed that with this debut feature he feels like an amateur or a fan who is trying to do something he loves. 'Whenever you tell the story of a family, you also end up telling the story of a country through a particular universe'.

Finally, the director highlighted among his cinematographic references the beginnings of Carlos Saura and José Luis Borau, and the Bressonian films of Bruno Dumont, who takes away the strength of the story to focus on the film's plastic form, such as the sound, the editing and the colour.


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