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HomeNews | Current NewsThe films awarded in the Women in Film section take over the big screen

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05 March 2024
The films awarded in the Women in Film section take over the big screen
‘Algo permanente’, ‘Amarradas’, ‘Lava’, ‘Sampo’ and ‘La ilusión de la abundancia’ are the award-winning films screened this Tuesday at Centro Cultural María Victoria Atencia

This Tuesday, Centro Cultural María Victoria Atencia hosted the screening of the films awarded in the Women in Film, held between the months of October and November 2023, and organized by the Malaga Festival in collaboration with the Area of Social Rights, Equality, Accessibility and Inclusive Policies of the Malaga City Council.

‘Algo permanente’, by Ana de Alva; ‘Amarradas’, by Carmen Córdoba; 'Lava', by Carmen Jiménez; 'Sampo', by Marziyeh Riahi, and ‘La ilusión de la abundancia’, by Erika González Ramírez and Matthieu Lietaert, are the films that have starred in this day framed in the programming of the Affirming Women's Rights section.

De Alva, who attended today's screening with her family and friends, was moved and stated that she felt 'very proud to share this moment with incredible women' and to have achieved the objective of telling with this project 'a conversation between two friends, the best friends, with those important topics, sometimes bittersweet, but fun’.

La entrega de los premios de la Muestra de Cine Mujeres en Escena tendrá lugar el miércoles en el Centro Cultural María Victoria Atencia de la mano de la documentalista y coordinadora de la sección, Mabel Lozano, que conducirá la entrega de los galardones.

The awards ceremony for the Women in Film will take place on Wednesday at Centro Cultural María Victoria Atencia led by the documentary filmmaker and coordinator of the section, Mabel Lozano, who will lead the awards ceremony.


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