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HomeNews | Current NewsIsabel Coixet on 'Cosas que nunca te dije': 'It has been exciting to watch it again, I have rediscovered it with those colours and textures that we thought of at the beginning'

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05 March 2024
Isabel Coixet on 'Cosas que nunca te dije': 'It has been exciting to watch it again, I have rediscovered it with those colours and textures that we thought of at the beginning'
The director participated in the discussion, along with the director of the Filmoteca de Catalunya, Esteve Riambau, after the screening of her film in one of the special sessions dedicated to the scre

The filmmaker Isabel Coixet and the director of the Filmoteca de Catalunya, Esteve Riambau, with the help of the moderator Mirito Torreiro, have discussed one of the Catalan director's first films, 'Cosas que nunca te dije'. It was screened today in the second special session that has recovered restored films of great importance in the history of the film industry in Spain.

'Watching the film again has been exciting, I have rediscovered it with the colours and textures that we thought of at the beginning,' the director began the discussion, explaining that the script was written between Barcelona and 'a similar small town to the one that appears in the film'. The film, released in 1996, tells the story of a store clerk who, after being rejected by her boyfriend and attempting suicide, meets Don, a home salesman who volunteers at the Teléfono de la Esperanza.

Throughout the discussion, Coixet assured that the film preserves its essence: 'there is something in the game of 'discovering love when you are jilted' that is still present in the film'. The filmmaker also recalled that there are 'many biographical elements in the film' and stressed that at the time it was a film that was 'difficult to sell to distributors, since, in Spain, it was something out of the ordinary'. For his part, Riambau said that this restoration and screening has allowed 'the film to return to where it was', highlighting the imprint of American independent film 'very well captured in what Isabel expressed'.

On Friday the 8th of March, the Malaga Festival will offer the last special session with 'Recovering film figures: Nadia Werba', which will take place at Cine Albéniz, and will include several screenings and a discussion with those responsible for the restoration.


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