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HomeNews | Current NewsAlfonso Cortés-Cabanillas returns to the Malaga Festival with the local dramedy 'El molino'

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06 March 2024
Alfonso Cortés-Cabanillas returns to the Malaga Festival with the local dramedy 'El molino'
The filmmaker's new feature film also brings back Pilar López de Ayala, after seven years without participating in a Spanish production.

Produced by La Caña Brothers, the latest project by Alfonso Cortés-Cabanillas has been presented in the Official Section out of competition. 'El molino' also means the return to the Spanish film scene after a seven-year absence for the actress Pilar López de Ayala, who plays the leading role in the film. The plot focuses on the story of Mayte (López de Ayala), an engineer with a vital mission that takes her back to a small town of only 12 inhabitants to carry out an important project. This return trip coincides with the preparation of an annual event in the valley that will serve as a meeting point with the rest of the characters. An old love, an old man with Alzheimer's, a young woman who dreams of leaving the valley, a graduate who works alongside the engineer and a familiar woman who is looking for a future in the village, make up this story of characters whose lives are connected by an old windmill.
During the discussion after the screening, the director shared with the press and the audience the inspiration behind Mayte's story. 'El molino' is a metaphor for life. Language is not only for oneself, it must be shared with others. I found it very interesting to explore the story of a qualified engineer who returns to her roots to find what was lost and solve her communication problems'.
Cortés-Cabanillas, an openly declared lover of choral films, describes 'El molino' as a choral work of meetings in an empty Spain. 'Different profiles that in the end reflect various people bringing to reality something that you have previously captured on paper', said the director.
The young actress Carla Domínguez shared her excitement at participating in her first film alongside an exceptional cast. Nur Olabarría highlighted the wealth that art brings in the ability to choose, pointing out that the film does not take a position on the change from rurality to modernity, but rather explores how each character adapts to new situations as a personal choice.
The cast of this story of personal meetings and connections includes Imanol Arias, Asier Etxeandía, Claudia Traisac, Pablo Rivero, Ángela Arellano, and Rocío Calvo, among others. ‘El molino' promises to be a thoughtful cinematic experience that captures the essence of life in rural Spain.


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