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HomeNews | Current NewsItziar Castro, a star shining differently in the sky

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07 March 2024
Itziar Castro, a star shining differently in the sky
The Malaga Festival has also paid tribute to the actress by screening her latest short film, ‘L@ Cita’

Malaga, 7th March - On the 7th of December, the world of film and television suffered a hard blow when it was announced the sudden death of the young actress Itziar Castro, who passed away unexpectedly due to cardiorespiratory arrest. Today, three months after her death, the Malaga Festival has paid an emotional tribute to her with the presence of many colleagues, as well as her mother Lucía Rivadulla, who pointed out that 'since December the sky has a star that shines differently from the others'.
'Itzi may not have a star on the Hollywood walk of fame, but she has a star with a light of her own in the sky', she pointed out, adding that she lacks words of gratitude for the 'so much love and affection' she is receiving from everyone. 'We're going to have to invent a word other than thank you because this one is too little', she said.
The Catalan was an indispensable part of this Festival. Whenever she could, she always went to this Spanish film festival, either to walk the red carpet, or as her friends have said 'to reign on the carpet', or to present a project. However, this year she will not be present, but her legacy will be. Not only through this tribute, but also with the screening of her short film ‘L@ cita’.
The event began with a video tribute to her by the cast members from the TV series 'Vis a Vis'. She played the role of Goya, and it represented a turning point in her career. Part of the cast recorded themselves reading one of the poems of the actress’ poetry book Con el corazón por delante and which is entitled Marea Amarilla, which is precisely the name that the fans used to refer to themselves. 'You were a gift for all of us forever, we will keep you in our hearts, only the one who is forgotten passes away', they added movingly at the end of the reading.
Cecilia Gressa, Castro's professional and life partner, with whom she had made her last short film ‘L@ cita’ before her death, said that she will remember her laughter, her secrets and the strength of her friendship. 'Your absence has been unfair, but I promise you that I will continue to fight for every good cause, just as you did. Your physical absence does not extinguish the flame', she said emotionally.
After these words, the lights of the Centro Cultural María Victoria Atienza went out to play the song ‘El descanso del guerrero’ performed by the actress's friends Rocío Saiz and Mané López. 'In the tribute we paid her in Madrid we couldn't sing this song because we broke down; today we are here stronger because of her', she said before singing the first chords of the song while a video with images of the actress was projected on a loop.
If there is one thing that his friends and colleagues Boré Buika, María Botto and María Isabel Díaz shared in common, it is that Castro was 'iron, never gives up and always keeps going'. She was the person who made jokes and knew how to laugh at herself, which for me was one of her superpowers', they said.
That unconditional love, that perseverance, that light, that strength and that affection that the Catalan constantly showed to everyone, has been returned to her this afternoon. The event closed with one of her favourite songs, according to her friend Saiz, ‘Guapa y lista’. The whole audience stood up, singing, cheering and laughing, and at the same time crying for an actress who will always be eternal.



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