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HomeNews | Current NewsJosé Corbacho presents 'Un Nuevo Amanecer', a series about addictions in a humorous yet dramatic light from Atresplayer Premium

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08 March 2024
José Corbacho presents 'Un Nuevo Amanecer', a series about addictions in a humorous yet dramatic light from Atresplayer Premium
The cast of the series came to the Festival de Málaga to present the fiction for the first time

Málaga, 8th March.- Candela is a TV star, but her addiction to alcohol and drugs leads her to end up in rehab where she will discover the origin of her addictions, but will also find the opportunity to take control of her life,  amend her mistakes and start from scratch. This is 'Un Nuevo Amanecer', the series that comes to Atresplayer Premium this Sunday after having presented its first two episodes this Thursday.

The idea for this fiction made up of eight 30-minute chapters came to José Corbacho, its creator, when he went to visit a relative at a rehabilitation centre and immediately thought that this was the premise of a series.

'When I entered, one of the guys looked at me and said, 'I already knew you would end up here,' to which I added that I was just coming to visit a relative. And immediately I thought, what if a famous person ends up in a normal centre like this because he can't afford to go to a high-class one? And that's how he came up with the idea seven years ago,' he said in a discussion after the screening.

Likewise, he confessed that the role of Yolanda Ramos was written with her in mind from the very first moment: 'In the centre there was a girl with a tracksuit and a cigarette who told me that she saw me a lot on TV and I thought: she seems like a character who would be played by Yolanda Ramos. That’s when I called her immediately to tell her that she was going to be the protagonist of this story,' he added.

Although the Catalan actress was not able to attend the event, she was also the protagonist of the discussion, in which everything from filming anecdotes to how she grew up was discussed.

'Working with Yolanda is an absolute journey. At first it was difficult for her to decide get on board with the project, but then she jumped in headfirst and revolutionised the entire team. She is unique,' Corbacho pointed out.

The creator warns that the series is a 'tragicomedy that goes beyond drug addiction.' It talks about how important it is to take care of both your family and your mental health. ‘I didn't want to treat this lightly, something you don't do when you look at it as a true story,’ he defended.

In this sense, Cecilia Freire, who plays the director of the centre where Candela goes, has confessed that before filming they went to a centre to see what it was like from the inside and to be able to work on each of the characters.

'The viewer will see the usual fun Yolanda and memes whilst also witnessing heart break that is going to make everyone cries their eyes out,' the director warned.
Also present at the colloquium were Abril Zamora, Pau Durà and Mirela Balic, who complete the cast of this drama series.


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