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HomeNews | Current NewsThe secrets of almadraba tuna and the best sommelier in the world are discovered in the last meeting with Cinema Cocina

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08 March 2024
The secrets of almadraba tuna and the best sommelier in the world are discovered in the last meeting with Cinema Cocina
The Teatro Echegaray screened the latest documentaries of the cycle on the universe of gastronomy

Today, the Teatro Echegaray hosted the last event of the Cinema Cocina gastronomic documentary series, for the 27th edition of the Festival de Málaga. 'Big red' and the out of competition feature film 'Tasting victory, the life and wines of the world's favourite sommelier' featured in this day in which there was plenty of round tables and special tasting.

The director of Big Red, Charly Birdman, highlighted the 'very interesting journey that the documentary still has to go on' and how the Festival de Málaga provides visibility to this type of project. The film, which last Thursday was awarded with the Solver Biznaga 'Regulatory Council of Denominations of Malaga Origin' for best short film by the popular jury, tells the journey of chef Ángel León to discover the secrets of almadraba bluefin tuna, its use in Barbate cuisine and cultural exchange with Japan. Paco Malio, from Petaca Chico, and the chef Álvaro Arbeloa from Takumi discussed this.

For her part, the director of the feature film 'Tasting victory, the life and wines of the world's favourite sommelier', Kiki Glover, pointed out that it is a challenge and also difficult 'to make a film with someone who is no longer present and who, at the same time, is so loved.' The documentary revolves around the figure of Gerard Basset, who died in 2019 and is considered the best sommelier in the world. The young filmmaker has also highlighted that: 'Working with Nina and Romané put pressure on me, but it was very nice and I had a lot of help.'

During the meeting, Cristina Alcalá, from the Fundación Cultura Líquida, who collaborated in the making of the film, also highlighted the book 'El Sabor de Éxito' completed weeks before her death; The person in charge has indicated that one of the objectives of the foundation and the Basset family is to help people who have the dream of working in this industry and who cannot because they lack resources.'

Also present at the talk were Nina Basset and Romané Basset, their son, who were excited about the screening and insisted on the importance of 'continuing to maintain' the legacy of its protagonist.

With the screenings, the seventh edition of Cinema Cocina comes to a close, which tomorrow, Saturday, March the 9th , will screen, in an extraordinary way, a second showing of the documentary 'Villa Málaga. El tiempo de un vino', directed by Eterio Ortega, which has received the Silver Biznaga audience award for best feature film.



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