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HomeNews | Current NewsThe so-called ‘Spanish Lama boy’, Osel Hita Torres, stars in Lucas Figueroa's documentary 'I Am Not Your Lama'

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08 March 2024
The so-called ‘Spanish Lama boy’, Osel Hita Torres, stars in Lucas Figueroa's documentary 'I Am Not Your Lama'
The film tells the story of the man known as the 'Spanish Lama boy’, considered the reincarnation of a Buddhist guide

The 27th edition of the Festival de Málaga hosted the documentary 'I Am Not Your Lama', by Lucas Figueroa, which tells the story of Osel Hita Torres, who was named 'the Spanish boy Lama' when he was recognised as the Western reincarnation of a Buddhist guide. The screening was preceded by the introductory words of its director, led by Mirito Torreiro.

A film that complements the series that Figueroa already developed around the figure of Osel. 'The first time I heard this story I was amazed,' said the director, who highlighted how it took more than four years of filming for the project. 'It is the story of a child who was raised in the observance of someone who is called to play a role in spiritual life,' Torreiro added before making way to the viewing.

This marks the end of the special screenings in this year's programming, with the documentary 'La Vida de Brianeitor' and the fiction 'Hate Songs' also being shown.


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