HomeNews | Current NewsThe Festival de Málaga announces the fourth edition of its grants for the development of audiovisual projects
Current News
12 December 2024
The Festival de Málaga announces the fourth edition of its grants for the development of audiovisual projects
The aim of this call, with a total amount of €90,000, is to encourage and motivate audiovisual creation in the city
Encouraging and boosting audiovisual creation in the city is the aim of the grant for the development of audiovisual projects created by Málaga Procultura (the municipal company that manages the Festival de Málaga) and whose fourth call for applications opens today. The aim of the grants is to support audiovisual projects for their development as feature films (fiction, documentary or animation) and which can subsequently be made into a work to be shown in cinemas, on television or on digital platforms.
The maximum overall amount of the grants is €90,000. The grants will be awarded to those applicants whose projects receive the highest score in accordance with the criteria set out in the terms and conditions (which can be consulted on the Grants tab on the Festival de Málaga website) with a maximum amount of €30,000 per project.
Eligible to participate in the call are the owners of production companies based in of Málaga whose main activity is related to film or audiovisual work, whether they are individual entrepreneurs, commercial or civil partnerships, worker cooperatives, or others. Each applicant can submit up to two projects, but they can only receive funding for one of them.
The purpose of the grants is to finance the expenses required to carry out the necessary activities for the creation of the audiovisual work prior to its filming or production, such as script development expenses; project definition and financing and co-production search expenses; or expenses for designing and creating promotional materials for the project.
Projects must be submitted within 40 calendar days from the day following the publication of this call. Therefore, the deadline for submission is the 21st of January 2025, at 11:59 p.m. The evaluation of the projects will be carried out by a technical committee, whose members will be selected from individuals with recognised experience in the audiovisual sector.
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