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HomeNews | Current NewsArtist Jorge Fin intervenes at the Collection of the Russian Museum for MaF - Málaga de Festival 2024

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19 February 2024
Artist Jorge Fin intervenes at the Collection of the Russian Museum for MaF - Málaga de Festival 2024
The ‘pintor de las nubes’ (cloud painter) is a regular collaborator of filmmakers such as Icíar Bollaín, Manuel Gómez Pereira and Santiago García de Leaniz

Jorge Fin has been the artist selected to intervene on the wall in front of the staircase leading to the exhibition at the Collection of the Russian Museum  as part of the MaF - Málaga de Festival 2024 programme. The inauguration of this intervention took place today with the artist, the director of the Public Agency for the management of the Pablo Picasso Birthplace’s Museum and other museum and cultural facilities, José María Luna, and the director of the Malaga Festival, Juan Antonio Vigar.
As Jorge Fin explains, he has been pictorially navigating the clouds for many years. He started with his series Cloud Watchers, which he presented for the first time at the Almudí Palace in Murcia in 2003 and in other galleries and museums in Spain and abroad. Aware of this trajectory, in 2019 he was commissioned to teach the subject 'Dramaturgia en las nubes' to the students of the Master's Degree in Cinematography at the Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola, dependent on the San Sebastian Film Festival and the University of the Basque Country. The idea was to tell the students of a film school about his experience using clouds as a creative tool in the field of the plastic arts. It was the school itself that proposed the title of the subject, precisely because of the legendary Russian film director Andréi Tarkovski. According to Jorge Fin, it was the beginning of a ‘fascinating’ personal investigation.
The mural that was inaugurated at the Collection of the Russian Museum as part of the extended programme of the Malaga Festival at MaF. It is a tribute to a definitive scene from La infancia de Iván, winner of the Golden Lion at the 1962 Venice Film Festival, the first time in history that a filmmaker's debut feature film had won such an award.

Biography of Jorge Fin
The artist Jorge Fin (Madrid, 1963) defines himself as a ‘nature observer’ and ‘cloud painter’. An honorary member of the Cloud Appreciation Society of London, his work has been shown in numerous exhibitions in galleries and museums throughout Spain, from San Sebastián in 1989 to the most recent one at the Gurriarán gallery in Madrid in 2024. He is the founder and alma mater of the Mediterranean Iceberg Association (Matadero de Madrid, 2015), whose digital publication he directs. Since 2018 he begins his studies of the prairie and wild grass from the analysis of Henry David Thoreau's ‘Walden o vida en los bosques’ (Palacio Almudí in Murcia, 2018) or the ‘Malas hierbas’ (Centro Párraga in Murcia, 2021).
Since 2019, he has taught the subject 'Dramaturgia de las nubes' for the students of the Master's Degree in Cinematography at the Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola. It is part of the San Sebastian Film Festival and the University of the Basque Country. 
A regular collaborator with filmmakers, his clouds have been seen in works by Icíar Bollaín, Manuel Gómez Pereira and Santiago García de Leaniz, director of Nube del sol naciente (2011). It is a documentary that narrates the process of creating Jorge Fin's clouds, and was a finalist at the Action/cut Hollywood International Film Festival.
As an illustrator, he has been involved since the 80s in the group El Canto de la Tripulación and in a variety of cultural magazines, Sur Express, El Europeo, Vogue, etc. As a muralist he collaborates intensively with architects and decorators, he has painted murals in private houses or giant murals of more than 100 square metres in public spaces, company headquarters and institutions. His work is present in collections such as Fundación Caixa Galicia, La Coruña; BBVA Foundation, Ministry of Culture and Sports, Madrid; Murcia City Council; Ramón Gaya Museum, Murcia, Colección Arte Contemporáneo of the Madrid City Council, Museo del Grabado in Marbella, Colección Bodegas Enate in Huesca, etc. And in numerous private collections in Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Russia, USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Singapore…

Interventions at Collection of the Russian Museum
At MaF 2018, Darko became the first artist to intervene the Collection of the Russian Museum with '1er movimiento’, a work strongly linked to the premises of urban interventions, a practice in which Darko has been working for years and of which he is an unquestionable reference.
In the 2019 edition of MaF, Emmanuel Lafont was the selected artist with 'La mirada lateral', a work based on the work of psychologist Edward de Bono and his theory of lateral thinking, which is used to solve problems creatively.
Julio Anaya Cabanding with his work 'Palacio Mijhailovsky. 125 años acumulados’ was responsible for intervening in MaF 2020, with a work that highlighted the value of the trajectory of the museum's own collection.
In MaF 2021, the project '1 %', by Eryk Pall and David Burbano was selected for its aesthetic impact and strong conceptual development. Artists' precariousness in the face of health and social measures derived from the pandemic was the main goal of this artistic proposal, a precariousness that the artistic framework has been dragging along for over a decade.
In MaF 2023, Guillermo Mora intervened in the Centre Pompidou Malaga with the work 'Sí pero no' and the Russian Museum Collection/Malaga with 'Despintando rojo’.


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