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HomeNews | Current NewsThe tradition and impact of Mexican cuisine on other cultures opens the seventh edition of Cinema Cocina

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01 March 2024
The tradition and impact of Mexican cuisine on other cultures opens the seventh edition of Cinema Cocina
The first day of the cycle began with the screening of the feature film 'The Michoacan File' by Bernardo Arsuaga and the short film 'Oro rojo' by Charly Birdman

Cinema Cocina, the gastronomic documentary section of the Festival de Málaga, began this Friday with the taste of Mexican cuisine by the hands of the feature film 'The Michoacan File', which was screened at Teatro Echegaray, along as the Argentine short film 'Oro rojo'. Both documentaries premiered at the seventh edition of the cycle that this year hosts 17 both national and international productions around the universe of gastronomy.

After the screening, Álvaro Muñoz, director of Lumen Proyectos Gastronómicos, moderated a meeting in which the director of 'The Michoacan File', Bernardo Arsuaga, took part in, accompanied by the well-known Mexican chef Roberto Ruiz and cook Reyna Traverso, from the restaurant Niña bonita, located in the historic centre of Malaga. This discussion was paired with a special tasting for attendees: cochinita pibil taco and a Victoria Marengo, a special black beer, provided by the sponsors of this edition: Cervezas Victoria.

Throughout the discussion, the history, ingredients and culture that surrounds and sustains Mexican gastronomy have been highlighted. 'In that cultural exchange that I show in the documentary, in that fusion of cuisines, we must not overlook that there are people who have risked their lives so that today, for example, we can eat a taco,' explained Arsuaga, who highlighted not only the anthropological but also the cultural part as well as the connection with other territories that is reflected through the protagonists of the documentary.
For his part, chef Roberto Ruiz, the first Mexican chef to get a Michelin Star in Europe with his restaurant MX, emphasized in the ‘traditional nature’ and 'the technique and sophistication' of his country's cuisine. Likewise, the chef Reyna Traverso, who has been responsible for preparing the tasting for the attendees, highlighted the value of the documentary and has defined the 'richness and complexity' of the Mexican recipe book.

The next day, Saturday, the 2nd os March, will star Pau Sintes, the best Young European Chef 2022, who returns to his native Menorca in the documentary 'Sa cuina des records', directed by the young director and producer Álex Arroyo. Next, 'Tentempié, gusto y memoria' will be screened, directed by the painter and designer Jacobo Gavira and the director Luis Mengs. A psychological journey across flavours through the life experiences of those interviewed, where humour and irony are fundamental ingredients.

The day will conclude with ‘La comida perfecta. Los secretos de la dieta mediterránea’, by independent director Alexandros Merkouris. In this feature film, a group of prominent scientists and chefs reveal the secrets of the Mediterranean diet and analyse how it can help prevent serious chronic diseases and mitigate the effects of climate change.
The round table will count on the presence of the directors of the three documentaries and a special tasting linked to each of the projects.



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