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HomeNews | Current NewsGastronomy — the point of connection between the three documentaries in the fourth edition of ‘Cinema Cocina’

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04 March 2024
Gastronomy — the point of connection between the three documentaries in the fourth edition of ‘Cinema Cocina’
The El bizcocho de Alfonso XIII short film and two feature films, Equibocados and Basajaun 2, were the stars of Monday’s event at Teatro Echegaray

The attendees enjoyed a tasting of three small dishes paired with a Sanlúcar

‘Cinema Cocina’ kicked off the week with an audiovisual tribute to food on screen and the local area with the showing of the Equibocados, El Bizcocho de Alfonso XIII and Basajaun 2 documentaries. The short and two feature films were the protagonists of the fourth day of the gastronomic documentary cycle, which included tastings for the audience and a discussion afterwards. 

After the screenings, the stars of the films sat down at the table to share points in common about memory and culinary legacy, highlighting the value of craft and the product. 'The documentary grew out of a trip to the wineries of Calatayud', began Jordi Busquets, director of El bizcocho de Alfonso XIII, who, together with David Salvador Ibarz and Víctor Solsona, tell the story of the Micheto bakery and how the same sponge cake once that dazzled the king is still being made today. 'This is a story about craftsmanship and gastronomic DNA’, he added.

For her part, Andrea Loureiro, director of Equibocados, a self-produced documentary promoted by Le Cordon Bleu, defined the film as a network of 'points of connection that have allowed us to meet some incredibly interesting people'. Just a few steps away was Natalia Vázquez, who was in charge of the tasting the audience enjoyed during the talk, which today included an exercise consisting of three small bites: sea bream fillet in dry salt and sugar brine; sea bream fillet in dry brine on star moss and wakame cream with sea grapes; and squid tagliatelle with sea spaghetti in a semi-sweet pickle with mild garlic. All paired with the wine M. Antº. De la Riva (Sanlúcar) from Bodegas de la Riva.

Jorge Guitián, food and drinks journalist, pointed out that 'the three projects deal with the past in order to understand the future' and insisted that Equibocados is a project that undoubtedly 'builds bridges and reveals the sensitivities and problems' of different subjects. 

Likewise, the directors of Basajaun 2. El regreso al terruño, Salvador Arellano and Miguel García Iraburu, explained that the film 'looks at the market by necessity, but also at the historical heritage'. This was confirmed by Rafael García, the film’s protagonist, who added that 'when we conceived the project they focused on the more vegetal part, now we see more of the viticulture and how projects with personality, with territory behind them, stand out'. 

Tomorrow, Tuesday 5 March, El caracol y su entorno will be shown on the big screen, a short film about 'neighbourhood life, conversation and glasses of wine' that describes the city of Cordova through the lens of Marta Murillo. This will be followed by the feature film Villa Málaga. El tiempo de vino, an alliance between Spain and Switzerland with a history-steeped tasting featuring its protagonists. 



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