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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Festival de Málaga focuses on breast cancer with the Cinema and Health cycle

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05 March 2024
The Festival de Málaga focuses on breast cancer with the Cinema and Health cycle
The new section opens with the screening of 'La lista de los deseos', a film focused on an illness treated subsequently by the oncologist Jorge Contreras and the psycho-oncologist Carmen Barceló

This Tuesday the 5th of March, Cinema and health, one of the new sections of the 27th Festival de Málaga, has begun with the objective of presenting films with a focus on topics related to health, as well as subsequently discussing them, as a result of the agreement that the contest has been developing with Quirónsalud. In this first session, cancer has been very present through the screening of 'La lista de los deseos', a feature film directed by Álvaro Díaz Lorenzo.

The film, which presents two women fighting breast cancer and meet in chemotherapy sessions, uses this disease as the guiding thread of the plot. Both of them, joined by a third person, make a list of things that they never dared to do, but that they try to do by embarking on a caravan trip in which they live unforgettable, comical and crazy experiences. A story full of optimism and vitality that pushes us to fight and see life positively.

After the screening, a discussion held by Mar García Rubira took place in which Dr. Jorge Contreras, head of the Oncology Service at the Quirónsalud Málaga Hospital, and Psycho-Oncologist Carmen Barceló were invited. 'An important thing that the film conveys is the the the fast pace of it all once the first symptom appears,' the doctor recalled, listing some of those first signs that can warn of the most prevalent type of cancer in women.

On the same positive line as the film, the renowned oncologist recalled that 5 year survival rate 5 after being diagnosed with the disease, today, the survival percentage exceeds 80%. A figure that has been reached 'thanks to the media and tools available in our environment that allow us to effectively fight this disease, particularly in Malaga.

Likewise, Contreras has outlined the importance of promoting the ability to have 'easy access to medical care in the event of a complication', as well as being demanding when it comes to taking a further step: 'we must create a service unit of accompaniment, nutrition, aesthetic and physical care, which until now have played a secondary role'
At the same time, the psycho-oncologist has highlighted the difficulty and complexity of breaking bad news, be it for the doctor, the patient or the family member, the latter considered also a patient in a way due to the support and struggle that they will also have to go through.

Following the doctor's speech, Contreras highlighted the emotional aspect: 'patients focus a lot on the physical, but there are many very intense and emotional times. Therefore, there must be a balance between physical and mental care, the latter always being more neglected.



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