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HomeNews | Current NewsFamily relationships and social critic in 'La bandera', a new dramatic comedy by Martín Cuervo with Imanol Arias and Aitor Luna

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07 March 2024
Family relationships and social critic in 'La bandera', a new dramatic comedy by Martín Cuervo with Imanol Arias and Aitor Luna
The director from Madrid returns to the Malaga Festival with an adaptation of the play by playwright Guillem Clua, 'Al damunt dels nostres cants', which will premiere on the 14th of June.

Martín Cuervo and Guillem Clua join together in their next feature film: 'La bandera'. A dramatic, family comedy with social criticism in which two brothers confront each other over a hypothetical family inheritance. Álamo Producciones Audiovisuales, Secuoya Studios' partner in the development of film projects, and A Contracorriente Films begin shooting this feature film in different locations in Tenerife.

'La bandera' is directed by Martín Cuervo and is the third film by the filmmaker from Madrid in collaboration with Eduardo Campoy and Álamo Producciones Audiovisuales. This story based on the original play by Guillem Clua, Al damunt dels nostres cants (XLIII Premio del Teatro Ciudad de Alcoy), features actors Imanol Arias, Aitor Luna, Miquel Fernández, Antonio Lofer and Ana Fernández.

A father, two sons and a dinner party. The story takes place during a family dinner party, where Tomás (Imanol Arias) calls his two sons, Jesús (Miquel Fernández) and Antonio (Aitor Luna), to tell them some important news. The patriarch, joined by his caretaker, Lina (Ana Fernández), takes his time to tell them what he really wants, but his descendants begin to get on each other's nerves. At one point, one of the sons discovers the presence of a huge flag in the garden, sparking a dispute that seriously threatens the family's apparent harmony. The film attempts to capture today's society, where opinions seem to have no nuance, with totally opposing positions with no middle ground.

In the discussion following the official screening of the film, the director said that it was an excuse to talk about the family, which is what really moved him about the script. The premise is based on a background of caring for the elderly. Martín Cuervo pointed out that any dramatic situation can be turned into a comedy.

As for the challenges faced by the actors, Miquel Fernández highlighted the complexity of turning a theatrical text into a cinematographic work. He stated that adapting the delicacy of film from a theatrical text was a challenge for him, although he considers that the task was made easier thanks to the coherence of the script. He also underlined the difficulty of keeping the vitality of the plot with only four characters in a single setting, as in the case of the family home.

On the other hand, Cuervo revealed the detailed preparation of the shots by the camera department, with the aim of further enhancing the presence of the characters. Different types of shots were used and the aesthetics of colour were carefully studied to achieve a greater visual impact in the film.

Eduardo Campoy explained the production process, which was completed in 15 days of shooting, and which was possible without the need for public funding. Campoy highlighted the significance of the collaboration of a brilliant cast in making it happen. As for the genre, he explained that it is a family drama 'sweetened with comedic overtones' to introduce the audience more easily and make them participate in the drama throughout the film.


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