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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Teatro Echegaray at full capacity for the premiere of the documentary 'Moses', by Fran Guijarro from Malaga

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08 March 2024
The Teatro Echegaray at full capacity for the premiere of the documentary 'Moses', by Fran Guijarro from Malaga
The filmmaker, based in the US, documents 15 years of the life of Moses Carbin, a homeless San Francisco crack addict who turned out to be a talented musician with a traumatic past

The last day of the official Out of Competition Documentary section of the 27th edition of the Festival de Málaga is rooted at home with the premiere of the feature film by Malaga director Fran Guijarro. 'I'm at home, with my family and my friends. Today is the world premiere and, from here, to wherever the film has to go.' Fran left Malaga a long time ago for the United States, to San Francisco specifically.

Before working in film, he studied advertising and worked for several agencies. He obtained a master's degree in Creativity from the Academy of Art University, and has studied at the San Antonio de los Baños Film and Television School, in Cuba. His first short documentary film, 'Mexican Cuisine', received 16 awards and was selected at more than 50 festivals, including Cannes SFC and the AFI Fest in Los Angeles. His filmography includes ‘The Mural’ (short film, 2014) and ‘Mexican Cuisine’ (short film, 2011). While working on the documentary that was presented on Friday at the Echegaray, he completed an artistic residency at SFFILM.

The 'Moses' project has been featured in the press such as in the SF Chronicle, CBS, Fox, KQED, Univision and TED. The idea came about when the director met Moses Carbin, a homeless man from the streets of San Francisco addicted to crack, unnoticed by everyone except Guijarro. He and the man from Malaga began to chat and he discovered that Moses had been a talented musician with a traumatic past. It was then that he began the project of documenting Moses' life for fifteen years.

The result is six hundred hours of recordings and dozens of interviews that have been condensed into two hours and seven minutes of feature film and which demonstrate that, with communication, an invisible person can become visible.

'A film is not made alone,' said Guijarro, and recalled that hundreds of people have participated in the documentary and he has thanked them for their work, since without them it would not have been possible to complete the project. He thanked Martin Rosete and Will Acha, composer of the film's soundtrack, among others.

The film, which began as a final master's project that meant to just be a short film, was premiered at the Malaga Festival as an out of competition documentary, but it is expected that the film will have a long run and can be seen in the big screen.


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